Reader? Reviewer? Who knows.
Loreweaver's Loom is my attempt at a review site. It's nothing special, but it's mine. I've been reading and talking about books for years, and I thought maybe I'd formalize that hobby into something independent on the web instead of just reviews hosted on a number of big, corporate-owned websites. There will likely be blog posts at some point, and I intend to slowly migrate existing reviews to the site.
Why, though, right? Well, I've worked as a freelance editor, and I have a good number of friends who work in publishing, from publishers to editors to authors, and every bit of press is worth something. Do I expect people to find my site? Not really, but if someone finds a book or a story or something that they love, in part because of what I do here, it'll be worth it.
Who am I, though? Just some dude from the upper midwest. I like speculative fiction in many of its forms, poetry, sports, and hanging out amongst the trees. Maybe we'll get to know each other a bit better, but realistically, at-best, you'll get to know my tastes more than anything else.
An Informative Text Blurb
All reviews are my own opinions. Sometimes, authors, publishers, or others provide me with a free review copy, either through an e-ARC distribution platform or of their own volition. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities to read and review those works, but the availability of those copies does not impact the quality or content of my review.